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Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

Text Us: (347) 389-7755

New Jersey: (201) 740-2828

Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

Text Us: (347) 389-7755

David S. Rich Is The Founding Member Of The Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

As an employment lawyer and a business litigator in NYC and New Jersey, Mr. Rich litigates civil, commercial, employment, and securities matters in federal and state courts in Manhattan and New Jersey, and arbitrates such matters before FINRA and other arbitral bodies. Mr. Rich also litigates appeals.

Mr. Rich has represented clients in, among other civil and commercial matters in Manhattan and New Jersey, breach of contract actions, business torts cases, bankruptcy and adversary proceedings, civil racketeering actions, business dissolution proceedings and other corporate litigation, product liability cases, franchisor-franchisee litigation, qui tam actions, proceedings to enforce money judgments, divorce actions and post-divorce judgment proceedings.

Mr. Rich has represented clients in, among other labor, employment, and employee benefits matters in Manhattan and New Jersey, breach of employment contract actions, wage-and-hour lawsuits, employment discrimination cases, retaliatory discharge actions, sexual harassment cases and other unlawful workplace harassment cases, labor arbitrations, unfair labor practice proceedings, actions for breach of non-competition or non-solicitation agreements, workers’ compensation cases, audits and investigations by federal and state departments of labor, ERISA actions to recover pension or health benefits, and employee benefit funds’ actions to recover withdrawal liability payments and delinquent ERISA contributions.

Zip Codes We Serve

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Legal Expertise Backed By 20+ Years Of Litigation Experience | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

Since earning his Juris Doctor Degree from the prestigious Columbia University School of Law in Manhattan, NY in 1994, David S. Rich has totally devoted his life and career to helping the people of Manhattan and New Jersey by providing them with the best legal counsel in the Empire State and the Garden State. Attorney Rich understands the issues that are important to the people of Manhattan and New Jersey, for he has spent his life in the area and is a part of the community.

Enforcing Your Rights Or Protecting Your Business | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC is a full service firm that can handle a wide variety of issues. Attorney Rich has extensive experience litigating civil, commercial, employment, and securities matters in federal and state courts in Manhattan and New Jersey. Additionally, Attorney Rich arbitrates before FINRA and other prominent arbitral bodies and he is a sought-after civil and commercial litigation attorney in Manhattan and New Jersey. And as a top employment lawyer in the borough of Manhattan and New Jersey, Attorney Rich can protect your rights as an executive, a professional, or an employer.

With over 20 years of tested litigation experience, David Rich is the attorney whom the borough of Manhattan and New Jersey residents turn to when they need highly-skilled legal counsel for their most important affairs, and you should too. Contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC and schedule a consultation today. David Rich is a top employment lawyer and business litigator in the borough of Manhattan metro area and in New Jersey. Mr. Rich’s reputation speaks for itself.

Case Results

Blog Posts

May My Company In Manhattan Recoup The Cost Of Obtaining An H1-B Visa For An Employee Who Quits?

An H-1B visa allows qualified foreign workers to engage in temporary employment services in a “specialty occupation.” An H-1B visa may be obtained for an initial period of up to…

LexisNexis Nominates The Manhattan Business Litigation And Employment Attorneys Blog For Top 25 Business Law Blogs Of 2011 – Please Vote For Our Law Firm’s Blog!

We sure would appreciate you voting for our law firm’s blog, the Manhattan Business Litigation and Employment Attorneys Blog. Our law firm’s blog has been nominated by LexisNexis for its Top…

An LLC Member In New York City May Not Intermingle Derivative Claims, Brought On The LLC’s Behalf, With Individual Claims

In recent years, the Supreme Court, New York County (that is, New York state trial courts sitting in Manhattan) and the Supreme Court, Kings County (that is, New York state…

Employment Attorney For Executives And Professionals | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

Executives and professionals in Manhattan and New Jersey:

  • Have you been wrongfully terminated?
  • Have you been fired, denied a promotion, or suffered adverse terms and conditions of employment because of your gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs, or age?
  • Are you owed unpaid wages, unpaid commissions, or unpaid bonus(es)?
  • Are you negotiating your employment contract or a business agreement?
  • Is your employer internally investigating you for unlawful harassment or other misconduct?

If so, contact the borough of Manhattan employment Attorney for Executives and Professionals at the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC today. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we will work hard, and we will leverage our extensive experience, to enforce your rights, get you the compensation that is owed to you, and/or obtain, for you, the executive compensation that you merit.

The above are but a few of the many common controversies and issues that executives and professionals face in the borough of Manhattan metro area and in New Jersey. In these situations, professionals and executives need the borough of Manhattan employment Attorney to protect their rights.

In Manhattan and New Jersey, executives, professionals, managerial employees, and other white-collar workers enjoy many employment rights. Professionals and executives possess these rights at work because of powerful, important legislation such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, the New York Labor Law, New York Human Rights Law, the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, the New Jersey Wage and Hour Law, and other landmark laws.

If you have an employment dispute or problem in the borough of Manhattan metropolitan area or in New Jersey, contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC right away. We’ll fight for you every step of the way, and won’t stop until the best possible outcome is achieved.

Employment And Labor – Employer-Side | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we defend employers in labor and employment matters in Manhattan, NY and New Jersey.

In Manhattan, NY and New Jersey, there are a staggering array of lawsuits that employees can bring against their employers, including, by way of example: breach of employment contract lawsuits; wage-and-hour cases; employment discrimination actions; retaliatory discharge cases, also known as whistleblower lawsuits; actions for denial of pension or health care benefits; and actions seeking to void restrictive covenants to which the employees are bound, such as non-competition provisions and non-solicitation clauses.

Workers make internal complaints about, prosecute lawsuits for, and bring administrative charges based on many claims which are baseless or unwarranted. Disgruntled, malcontent, or misguided employees frequently prosecute lawsuits or administrative proceedings, or complain to their employers’ human resources departments, based on false allegations or concerning workplace matters which do not violate the law.

When a business faces an employee’s false charges or a worker’s baseless lawsuit or grievance, the company needs a skilled employment lawyer who can sift through the information and allegations, discover the facts, set forth those facts in the manner most favorable to the employer, and prove that the employer is not liable, has been wrongly accused, or took actions that do not violate the law. In the borough of Manhattan and New Jersey area, there is no firm better prepared to defend your company or business against employees’ meritless claims and complaints than the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC.

Employment and labor lawsuits can be costly and detrimental to your company or business, and can damage your company’s reputation iso as to make it difficult to rebound and recover. Protect your business’s profitability and business reputation. Don’t allow a worker’s baseless claim to cut into your company’s bottom line with a money judgment against your company, hurt your business’s standing in the industry, and potentially ruin your business. Fight back with the borough of Manhattan employment Lawyer. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we will be on the front line and will work tirelessly to defend your company.

Through our employment compliance and consulting practice, the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC helps employers create, maintain, and fairly enforce good workplace policies and procedures.

Further, the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC trains businesses’ managers and supervisors on their legal obligations under employment laws. These preventative measures are businesses’ best defense against employment-related lawsuits.

One way to minimize the threat or filing of lawsuits alleging violations of employment law is to rely on your attorney to craft employment practices at your company which comply with state and federal law. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have experience in creating a wide array of policies that comply with Manhattan and New Jersey employment and labor laws. These policies include, for example, practices for preventing harassment and discrimination, and policies for hiring, disciplining, and evaluating employees.

The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC writes, negotiates, and compels performance of contracts which increase an employer’s or a company’s leverage in any scenario.

By carefully preparing business contracts and agreements, the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC helps employers and companies operate profitably and protect their interests, as well as limit potential liability.

Client Testimonials

Civil And Commercial Litigation | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

The borough of Manhattan Business Litigation Attorney David S. Rich represents businesses, companies, and other clients in civil and commercial matters in Manhattan and New Jersey, including breach of contract actions, business torts cases, bankruptcy and adversary proceedings, civil racketeering actions, business dissolution proceedings and other corporate litigation, product liability cases, franchisor-franchisee litigation, qui tam actions, proceedings to enforce money judgments, divorce actions and post-divorce judgment proceedings.

In business litigation in the New York State courts, in federal courts situated in Manhattan, NY, in the New Jersey state courts, and in federal courts located in New Jersey, some of the claims which companies and individuals frequently bring are: Account Stated; Breach Of Contract; Breach Of Fiduciary Duty; Breach Of Implied Covenant Of Good Faith And Fair Dealing; Business Dissolution; Civil RICO; New Jersey RICO; Conversion; Fraud: New York General Business Law § 349: New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act; Interference With Contract; Interference With Prospective Advantage; Negligence; Negligent Misrepresentation; Slander of Title or Product Disparagement; Quantum Meruit; New Jersey Uniform Frauduent Transfer Act; and Unjust Enrichment.

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have substantial experience litigating, on behalf of entities and individuals, these claims and many others.

If your company wants to bring, or needs a law firm to defend it in, business litigation, contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC.

In business, contractual disputes occur regularly and are to be expected. Disputes may arise over money, performance of contracts between parties, or other contentious issues. The list of potential areas of disagreement is a lengthy one. When your company’s finances, reputation, or both are at stake, your business should seek counsel from the borough of Manhattan business Litigation Lawyer who has dealt extensively with civil and commercial litigation issues in Manhattan and New Jersey. The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC has the experience and a track record of success in civil and commercial cases. Contact us for an immediate consultation; we’re on your side.

Civil Litigation | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

Money damages and specific performance issues between parties are common reasons for civil litigation. The issue may be a contract dispute, in which the plaintiff alleges that another party has not honored the contract. The case may relate to compensation owed for personal or business losses caused by a civil wrong. Or the controversy may arise from consumer fraud. There are many issues that could give rise to a civil litigation proceeding, including but not limited to breach of an agreement, breach of a fiduciary relationship, misleading trade practices, civil racketeering and many more. Read More

Commercial Litigation | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

Commercial litigation encompasses a vast array of disputes that businesses must contend with such as, fraud, breach of contract, vendor and distributor disagreements, partnership and joint venture disputes, breach of a fiduciary duty, shareholder issues, misrepresentation, and others. No business should engage in any legal dispute unless they have an experienced borough of Manhattan Business Litigation Attorney working to protect their interests. In Manhattan and New Jersey, businesses, companies, and individuals regularly turn to the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC to represent them in commercial litigation matters. Read More

Business Dissolution | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

The borough of Manhattan Business Dissolution Attorney David S. Rich represents privately held corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies and the individuals who own and operate them in, among other types of corporate litigation, actions seeking to legally separate the owners of these business entities. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we tenaciously advocate in court for both businesses and their individual owners, and we pay close attention to the interpersonal or familial tensions that abound in business dissolution litigation. Read More

Getting The Job Done For You | Law Offices Of David S. Rich, LLC

When you work with the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC we will devise a strategy and plan that will best suit your business’s needs. We will keep financial considerations and your reputation front of mind as we endeavor to achieve a favorable resolution. Depending on the dispute resolution method provided by law or agreed upon by the parties, we will vigorously litigate, mediate, arbitrate, or negotiate your case. Don’t risk going it alone, if you’re involved in a business dispute of any kind, you need a civil and commercial litigation attorney in Manhattan and New Jersey who can get results. Contact us; the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC is a battle-tested law firm that can help you achieve the outcome you desire.

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) | Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is an independent, nongovernmental organization that writes and enforces all rules that pertain to, and that governs and oversees, all registered brokers and broker-dealer firms in the United States. FINRA’s overarching task is to ensure the safety of the public and protect against fraud and any potential bad practices.

FINRA Arbitration Attorney and FINRA Investigation and Disciplinary Actions Attorney David S. Rich, of the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, has broad experience and a wealth of knowledge regarding FINRA matters. The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC represents brokers and other registered representatives in a vast array of FINRA industry arbitrations, FINRA investigations and disciplinary actions, and securities industry regulatory issues. On behalf of brokers and other securities industry professionals, we regularly and vigorously prosecute and defend FINRA Industry Arbitrations. So, too, we regularly and ably defend brokers and financial advisors in investigations and formal disciplinary actions brought by FINRA.

FINRA Arbitration | Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC

Arbitration panels of The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) decide the vast majority of Wall Street employment-related disputes. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, our FINRA arbitration attorneys have substantial experience representing employees in the securities industry in employment-related arbitration proceedings against brokerage firms before FINRA. Among the types of claims which we prosecute and defend, on behalf of individuals, in FINRA arbitrations are the following:

Employees in the securities industry:

  • Do you believe you’ve been wrongfully terminated?
  • Does your former employer seek to enforce a restrictive covenant against you?
  • Has your former brokerage firm brought a FINRA arbitration against you to collect the amount due on a promissory note, an up-front bonus, a recruiting bonus, or a forgivable loan?
  • Has your brokerage firm charged you with improper or unlawful conduct?
  • Do you have negative information on your Form U-5 (Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration) which you need expunged?
  • Do you have any other type of dispute with your brokerage firm?

If so, contact our Manhattan FINRA Arbitration Lawyers at the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC and let us handle your dispute.

FINRA Investigations And Disciplinary Actions

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have extensive experience representing employees in the securities industry in investigations and formal disciplinary actions brought by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA).

The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC represents brokers and financial advisors in all stages of the process: (1) drafting the required, signed statements in response to the allegations; (2) researching FINRA’s Sanction Guidelines, published decisions of FINRA’s Office of Hearing Officers (“OHO”), and published decisions of Administrative Law Judges in proceedings before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to develop legal defenses and to identify mitigating circumstances; (3) preparing the brokers for on-the-record interviews and participating as the brokers’ counsel; (4) negotiating settlements through Letters of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (“AWCs”); and (5) answering disciplinary complaints and litigating FINRA disciplinary hearings.

If you are an employee in the securities industry and (i) you have received, from FINRA, an inquiry letter or (ii) FINRA has called you to testify under oath in an on-the-record interview, contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC.

On behalf of brokers, the Law Offices of David S. Rich skillfully negotiates, with FINRA, settlements of formal disciplinary actions. When a settlement cannot be reached, the Law Offices of David S. Rich aggressively defends the brokers in disciplinary hearings before hearing panels.

Professional Discipline | Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have substantial experience representing professionals in disciplinary investigations and formal disciplinary actions brought by New York State and federal administrative agencies or by self-regulatory organizations (“SROs”).

The professionals whom we defend in investigations and formal disciplinary actions include, for example, securities industry professionals, certified financial planners, physicians, physician assistants, specialist assistants, lawyers, judges, certified public accountants, dentists, mental health practitioners, nurses, podiatrists, psychologists, veterinarians, and many other types of licensed professionals.

The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC represents professionals in all stages of the process: (1) drafting the required, signed statements in response to the allegations; (2) researching the sanction guidelines of the Manhattan or federal administrative agency or of the self-regulatory organization, published decisions of the administrative agency or SRO, and published decisions of Administrative Law Judges in proceedings before the agency or SRO to develop legal defenses and to identify mitigating circumstances; (3) preparing the professionals for on-the-record interviews and participating as the professionals’ counsel; (4) negotiating settlements; and (5) answering disciplinary complaints, making pre-hearing motions, and litigating disciplinary hearings.

Without limitation, at the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have substantial experience representing licensed professionals in misconduct investigations and disciplinary proceedings brought by the New York State Department of Education’s Office of Professional Discipline (the “Manhattan OPD” or the “OPD”).

So, too, at the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have substantial experience representing employees in the securities industry, and employees in the financial services industry, who hold Certified Financial Planner (“CFP”) certification in disciplinary investigations brought by, and disciplinary hearings before, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (the “CFP Board”).

If you’re facing a potential disciplinary proceeding, contact our offices immediately. The sooner you reach out to us, the better equipped we will be to help you achieve a favorable outcome. We will assist you from day one, helping with every necessary task, from drafting your response to the allegations; performing copious research into the detailed and often complex sanction guidelines, published decisions, etc.; and preparing you for interviews regarding the matter at hand; as well as acting as your counsel every step of the way through negotiation, settlement, or trial. Contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC today to set up a consultation; we’re here to serve you.

Government Procurement And Contracts | Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have substantial experience counseling companies about doing business with government agencies, especially those based in the borough of Manhattan. We represent contractors in preparing bids and proposals to agencies, authorities, and development corporations in the borough of Manhattan, and in resolving disputes that may arise during the bidding process or after the contract has been awarded.

Among the types of matters, involving government procurement and contracts, in which we represent or advise vendors are the following:

  • Vendor pre-qualification
  • Responses to government solicitations
  • Disclosures to the government
  • Inquiries into vendor responsibility (integrity), and appeals of determinations of non-responsibility
  • Appeals of non-responsiveness findings
  • Protests by unsuccessful bidders
  • Contract negotiations
  • Compliance with federal, state, and municipal government affirmative action obligations
  • Prevailing wage and living wage requirements
  • Ethics and conflicts of interest
  • Government investigations of contractors
  • Debarment proceedings
  • Litigation arising from all of the above

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Proudly Serving The Borough of Manhattan. Including:

  • Upper East Side
  • Wall Street
  • Upper West Side
  • Gramercy
  • Hudson Yards / Chelsea / Flatiron District /Union Square
  • Battery Park City /Lower Manhattan
  • Brooklyn Heights / Cobble Hill
  • Lincoln Square
  • Turtle Bay/ East Midtown
  • Carnegie Hill
  • Soho/ Tribeca/ Civic Center/ Little Italy

Office Locations

New York Office

420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 300
New York, NY 10170

New Jersey Office

12 First Street
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

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