In New Jersey, on-call time is considered hours worked when calls are so frequent or the on-call conditions so restrictive that the employees are not really free to use the intervening periods effectively for their own benefit.
On-call time is not considered hours worked when employees are not required to remain on the employer’s premises and are free to engage in their own pursuits, subject only to the understanding that they leave word at their home or with the employer where they may be reached. When an employee does go out on an on-call assignment, only the time actually spent in making the call is counted as hours worked.
In New Jersey, for on-call time during which employees are required to remain at home, the following rules apply:
Call the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC at (347) 941-0760 to speak with a knowledgeable labor and employment lawyer about making sure that your company complies with overtime pay and other wage and hour laws, or to retain a skilled overtime attorney to defend your company in overtime pay lawsuits or other wage and hour litigation.
David Rich
David S. Rich is the founding member of the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC,
a Manhattan Employment and Business Litigation Law Firm, in New
York City and in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey...View Profile