New York: (347) 941-0760

Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

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New Jersey: (201) 740-2828

Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

Text Us: (347) 389-7755

Wall Street Commercial Litigation Attorney, ManhattanA Wall Street commercial litigation attorney understands and navigates, on his clients’ behalf, the complexities of Manhattan’s corporate and business laws.

At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we represent clients in a wide variety of claims and disputes — tailoring legal strategies to their needs, educating them on their options, and providing the level of professional and aggressive advocacy they expect. Learn more about our commercial litigation practice below.

We Understand Wall Street’s Unique Litigation Needs

Wall Street is unlike any other business environment. It moves faster, it’s more competitive, and it’s vastly complex. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we have represented clients in both commercial and financial disputes for over two decades. As a result, we have a deep knowledge of how Manhattan businesses operate, interact, and evolve.

Our Commercial Litigation Practice

We represent corporate entities and individuals in business litigation and dispute resolution before state and federal courts. We also have a robust business arbitration practice. The best way to understand our approach to business law is to schedule a confidential evaluation with a skilled Wall Street commercial litigation attorney at the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC. We have substantial experience litigating, on behalf of companies and individuals, the following claims and many others:

Breach of Contract

We work with our clients to assess the validity of contracts, the extent of the breach, and the computation of their damages. A breach of contract involves the following several core elements:

  1. The parties formed a valid contract;
  2. Plaintiff performed its obligations pursuant to the agreement;
  3. Defendant failed to perform or materially breached the contract;
  4. Plaintiff suffered damages due to this breach.

Our careful analysis helps us craft robust legal arguments that protect both the business and corporate interests of our clients. Depending on your circumstances, you might be entitled to both compensatory and liquidated damages, rescission, or specific performance of the contract. Contact a Wall Street commercial litigation attorney at one of our offices for more information.

Business Torts

While most people associate tort law with personal injury claims, the law of business torts recognizes that corporate entities, no less than individuals, can suffer economic injuries. On Wall Street, reputation, intellectual property, trade secrets, and relationships are some of a business’ most valuable assets. When these are damaged by another entity, you may have a business tort claim.

A Wall Street commercial litigation attorney can prosecute or defend, on your or your company’s behalf, claims involving the following:

Contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC for both a personalized and confidential assessment of your circumstances and causes of action.

Bankruptcy Proceedings

Bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that allows businesses to restructure as well as rebuild after financial difficulties. We guide insolvent clients through both business restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings. Our creative approach helps rebuild a business’ foundation and helps identify alternatives that might help you avoid a public bankruptcy proceeding.

Business Dissolution

Due to the nature of many business relationships, Wall Street business dissolutions can easily become hostile, complicated, and prolonged. At the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC, we represent privately-held companies, corporations, partnerships, and business owners with the delicate process of severing ties and closing up operations. We can help you identify the proper grounds for dissolution and build strategies that help expeditiously and efficiently end your business relationships. Contact a Wall Street commercial litigation attorney at our office for more information and a customized evaluation.

Business Divorce

When an owner or a partner needs to leave a business organization, it’s important to handle the matter as quickly, privately, and fairly as possible. Because business divorces typically involve numerous issues involving New York contract law, executive compensation, derivative suits, shareholder relationships, and business valuation, most organizations need guidance from an experienced Wall Street commercial litigation attorney. We work with our clients to craft creative solutions that protect the business’ operations, maintain order, and keep its reputation and relationships intact.

Corporate Law and Governance

A Wall Street commercial litigation attorney can aid you with the following:

If you are looking for a knowledgeable, results-driven, and practical Wall Street commercial litigation attorney, then contact the Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC for more information about our corporate legal services.

Consult With a Wall Street Commercial Litigation Attorney

A Wall Street commercial litigation attorney will handle your immediate litigation needs, as well as help you develop programs and policies that reduce your risk of commercial disputes and protect your interests. The Law Offices of David S. Rich, LLC represents companies, corporations, business organizations, and owners in crafting and implementing their business law strategies. We pride ourselves on devising creative as well as long-term solutions. Contact us for a consultation.

David Rich

Call Now For An Initial Consultation

New York (347) 941-0760 |
New Jersey (201) 740-2828